Day 2: Interrupting Antiracism

Greetings friends,

In the video I made for you today, I read a story I wrote for Antiracism as Daily Practice. It’s a true story about the first time I risked actual relational capital and, despite being nervous (and sweating a lot!), stumbled my way into directly addressing an incident of racism I’d borne witness to.

What I didn’t share in the video is the larger context that made this risk-taking step possible. It became possible for me only because I’d begun participating several months before in a community that met regularly and was committed to both cheering and challenging one another in meaningful antiracist action. I knew a group of humans would support me as I took a deep breath and went to talk to my professor. I also knew that my relationships with these folks, who I’d come to love, meant they would hold me accountable (in love, but clarity) if I didn’t speak up.

Relationships explicitly rooted in a shared commitment to antiracism helped me live into my authentic values.

So, here's your action for today (and it builds on yesterday’s challenge!). Identify an interruption of racism, or some kind of racist dynamic, you know you need to make. This could be a dynamic or situation that regularly comes up in your extended family, your workplace, with a neighbor or a friend. Now, talk through what you need to do with it with at least two people in your life!

Every time we act, we change the world in some way. Let’s make even our smallest actions move it in the direction of justice!


Day 1: Make a list of at least three specific ways you want to grow your lived commitment to antiracism.

P.S. Save the date: Join me and others who took part in this experience for a live conversation on Tuesday, July 9th at 5:00 PST/6:00 MST/7:00 CST/8:00 EST as a way to wrap up and reflect on our 12 Days of Action. We’ll follow up with the link shortly.

P.P.S. It’s not too late to sign up for 12 Days of Antiracist Action! Share this sign up link with your friends and we’ll help them get caught up:


Day 3: What’s a Generational Legacy?


Day 1: Welcome from Chris Crass